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If you need help managing the Microsoft Threat protection stack on an ongoing basis, look no further than Integrity360’s Managed Microsoft XDR suite. Irrespective of how deeply you want to leverage the Microsoft Security family of products, Integrity360 has an option suitable for your needs. 

  • We have invested heavily in our ability to get the most out of the Microsoft Threat Protection stack.  
  • Our experts have years of experience and extensive skills, training and certifications across the full Microsoft security portfolio. All this expertise we bring to bear in design and delivery of our services. 
  • Integrity360 offers a full end-to-end portfolio of professional, technical, consulting, and managed services. We can fully manage the platforms you need whilst also providing a Gartner-recognised detection and response service on top.  
  • Our extensive range of advisory and consulting services can help across the full lifecycle of security strategy, maturity assessment, roadmap planning, standards benchmarking and compliance, incident preparedness, and beyond. 
  •  We are a full end-to-end security partner for our customers. 

We take security personally, with your security in mind.